Sunday, November 4, 2007

I love geocaching!

I love Geocaching. I have been into the sport for about for about six months now and I can’t get enough. Geocaching is the perfect marriage of electronic gadgets and outdoor activity, two things that I enjoy very much. I also love the excitement of the treasure hunting aspect of geocaching. Searching the woods (or under park benches), following the hints, looking for signs that a cache might have been hidden near by. I just love it!

Geocaching has also opened up a whole world of parks, hiking trails, and scenic vista’s that I never new existed, and otherwise never would’ve found, right in my own town! I recently took a vacation to the cost and went geocaching while we were there. It was, without a doubt, the best tour guide we could have ever hoped for. Talk about sight seeing! We found trails and parks and parks that weren’t mentioned anywhere else. Geocaching has certainly opened up a new world of outdoor fun!

I have recently participated in a Georally. Myself, and three other team members competed in a twelve hour rally. We traveled all around the state; logging thirty six cache’s total, along with a number of other scavenger hunt items. It was a long day, but an amazing experience. Our team placed sixth out of forty five competing teams. Not to bad for our first ralley! All total, counting the ralley cache’s, I have logged about fifty six caches. I’m curious to see what geocaching is going to be like in the winter!

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